I’m gonna name my new comedy album, “My Balls”. So I can say “My Balls” drops soon. Pick up “My Balls” everywhere!
Twenty years ago my goal was to visit every MLB ballpark. Now my goal is to try every acid reflux medication.
I’m in a band. The Beatless.
To avoid skin cancer, I use SPF 3194. (That’s my address. I stay in the house.)
I’ve done stand up in three states: depressed, very depressed, and New Jersey.
How come when I front money for a project they call me a backer?
You’re entitled to my opinion.
Want Me to Help You Out?
Book me now to help you to achieve your comedy goals. It’s your career, and it’s worth the investment!
Social Media
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Artwork by Gregory Siff is used throughout the site with the kind permission of the artist.